Breakfast & Brunch

by Andrew Spencer
According to the scientific folks who know about these sorts of things, human beings have five senses with which we take in the world around us: touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. One perfect way to engage all five of your senses while you’re on Nantucket is by going out to breakfast with your family and friends.
You will be amazed at the sensory experience that eating a leisurely Nantucket breakfast becomes. The aromas of fresh baked muffins and doughnuts mixed with coffee brewing and pancakes cooking waft out of the kitchen, joining with the sounds of eggs sizzling and bacon popping. On the table in front of you, you see a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice next to a small vase of periwinkle blue hydrangeas. That feeling in your stomach is the anticipation of how good those blueberry pancakes are going to taste when you cover them in warm maple syrup. You long to be able to touch them, and lucky for you, here they come now, which leaves only the sense of taste. While words can’t do it justice, trust us when we tell you that your first taste won’t be your last. In fact, your last taste won’t be your last taste because as soon as you’re done with your breakfast, you will already start planning a return trip.
And there is always bringing breakfast treats home to the family. There is a huge selection of items, from doughnuts, breakfast sandwiches, smoothies or fresh pressed juices. No need to get everyone into the car – be the hero and bring home any variety of goodies. Once you walk in the house, everyone is still in their pajamas and you can all eat out on the patio under the summer sun with the kids playing after they eat and mom and dad can leisurely read their paper.
Breakfast is one of the most favorite meals of the day. Nantucket has you covered.